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Feb. 9, 2021

#ValenPods : The Event Starts Now!

#ValenPods : The Event Starts Now!

Ahh...Valentine's Day. Full of love, gifts, romance, heartbreak, loneliness and tears.

Maybe you have a Valentine (or two) lined up to celebrate the day of love!

Or maybe you've just got a hot date with Netflix and a tub of Ben & Jerry's. 

Either way, this year I say we show some love to each other !

Of course that means: #ValenPods

A Twitter event extravaganza where we show each other tons of love!!! Here's how it will work:

Pick a podcast and ask them to be your #Valenpod (publically, via Twitter. C'mon, if you love them put it all on the line!) Please feel free to inject humor and creativity with your proposals.

(No more than 10!)

Should they accept...well then you've got yourself a #Valenpod! You will then:

  • Leave them a Rating/Review 
  • Send them a Voice Recording telling them what their Podcast means to you
  •        >>Alternatively, you can write them a message but voice recordings are best and can be featured on podcasts !
  • Buy Them a Coffee (Optional)


Should your #ValenPod request get denied and your love remain unrequited that's AH-O-KAY. You can still express your love using the methods above and put yourself back out there! There's plenty of love to go around. 

Be sure to use the hashtag(s) #ValenPods #ValenPod throughout the event. 

The event will end directly after Valentine's Day Weekend 2/15/2021


Love you all 
